What can I control?
Just a normal Saturday with some AP Lit kids watching some Gatsby at Crane's house One of my greatest talents is my ability to criticize and rant. I’m really, really good at it. People who know me will tell you, I can spit fire. I can offer scathing critques that wither souls and melt faces, but most of the time, this isn’t wonderfully productive. In fact, it usually changes very little. So rather than compose another diatribe about the inherent injustice of being a classroom teacher, this post is about being resourceful, about finding a way. Changing the inertia that plagues our education system is a Hurculian task, beyond my scope and abilty. However, changing my classroom, changing those 50 minute periods, as flawed as they might be, is well within my scope. I am the master of that universe, so what will I, what will we, do with that power? I’m choosing to try. I recently invited my AP students to come over to my house to watch the Great Gatsby movie. It ...